Monday, 16 July 2012

Lush Dragons Egg

This Bath Ballistic is certainly a pretty one to look at. It comes as a pretty, white egg with coloured speckles throughout. The inside is meant to be a surprise, but since I dropped it on my bathroom counter by accident I now have the chance to show you a sneak peak of the inside. The yellow "yolk" inside is released when the egg dissolves in your bath water and turns your bath a pretty, gold colour with tiny speckles of gold glitter. The only thing that didn't make this bath ballistic go on my Lush favourites was it's smell. The smell was very overpowering and strong and whilst it smelt pretty, it wasn't my ideal 'winter bath' scent. It's bright, summery scent didn't mingle well with my dimly lit, relaxing, hot bath environment and I ended up ending my bath earlier than usual because that whole relaxing feeling was just gone. I did love everything else about it, including the softness it gave my skin afterwards. 

If you read the reviews on the Lush webpage, you'll notice that majority of the comments there loved the smell, so it really depends what kind of scents you like. Personally I like relaxing scents for my bath products because it's always something I do before bed. 

You can pick up a Dragon's Egg Bath Ballistic in stores or online for $5.95

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